In case anyone is interested, here’s the technology used to manage this site:
- WordPress
- The amazing Ollie WordPress Block Theme, to make everything look good
- The Breadcrumb NavXT plugin, to help with nested navigation
- Cloudflare, to make the site fast and secure
- Icegram, to help people get notifications of new posts
- Matomo Analytics, to understand what’s happening on the site in an ethical way
- Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags, to deal with WordPress not natively handling OpenGraph
- Neznam Atproto Share, to simplify sharing with Bluesky and replace the comment section with Bluesky threads
- Wordfence, for an extra layer of security
- XML Sitemap Generator for Google, to make it easier for Google to find the site’s content
- Bluesky Feed for WordPress, to pull live content onto the home page (and motivate me to stay interesting on Bluesky…)