Great Books About Parenting & Relationships

I’m including books that aren’t commonly recommended. The usual parenting books are great, such as “The Happiest Baby on the Block” and “The Expectant Father“. I’m working to make sure this section calls out the books that aren’t (but should be) on every pediatrician’s bookshelf.

Let Them

Why I recommend it:
The title undersells the brilliance of this book. I’d have called it, “Let Them. Let Me.”, because Mel Robbins’ theory compartmentalizes “what you can’t control” (others) from “what you can control” (yourself). It has brilliant sections for co-workers, spouses, friends, family, and kids. I’d recommend reading it in parts and dog-earing plenty of sections!

ADHD is Awesome

Why I recommend it:
I didn’t read this; I listened to the audiobook – and it was awesome! Whether you have ADHD or live/work with someone with it, this brilliant book provides understandings to evolve our awareness of this condition and its potential.

1 2 3 Magic

Why I recommend it:
This one is such a unique, and effective, approach that I’m surprised more parents don’t discuss it. Like most advice, it should be taken with skepticism and isn’t viable for all situations. That said, it works great a lot of the time and can help unstick parents who feel stuck in their parent/child argument paradigms.

Book Sections

Leadership and Management

Whether you lead, manage, or mentor, these books help you find your style while enjoying the journey.

Marketing & Creativity

Books that debunk the myth that people are born creative and help unlock everyone’s inner marketer.

Mental Health & Happiness

Great reads that offer great ways to find joy in what we do, no matter where we are or where we’re going.

Tech & Software Development

Books that help nerds realize they’re more than coders, and help non-nerds learn that none of this is magic.

Parenting & Relationships

Although there’s no manual for being a good parent, these are great guides to help us improve every day.