APIs – The Litmus Test for Evaluating Vendors
Evaluating a vendor can be exhausting, and regretting a partnership can be heart-breaking. Here are some quick ways to evaluate if a SaaS provider is as good as their sales staff says.
APIs: Oofda!
Continuing a conversation from my previous podcast episode on Constant Variables, I was invited back to attempt to demystify a common technology that appears more complicated than necessary – APIs. I think it is a great listen for any beginning or junior developer, before they start creating APIs. It covers topics like:
Yext Helps Caribou Coffee Optimize Every Digital Customer Experience
In March 2021, I spoke with Yext about combining two things I love – APIs and coffee. I’m still a big fan of Yext and their collection of tools to help retail marketers. The shortened version of the article:
API Innovation at Best Buy
In 2017, I was interviewed by Get Put Post and spoke about API Innovation. There isn’t much thought provoking material in it, largely because there’s only so much you can say while wearing the hat of a publicly traded company, but it was still a great opportunity to launch the next chapter of the company’s…
The Blessings and Curses of Offering a Free Public API
In 2016, I gave a presentation at API World. The topic was “The Blessings and Curses of Offering a Free Public API“. This was before Twitter made accessing their API a challenge, and Reddit also raised their API fees. Although the topic was appropriate for its time, the audience for this messaging was miniscule. It…